Monday, November 17, 2014

Fun at the Library

Yes...I'm still using the library computers. Yes...I'm still laptop-less. I'm not the type of person who is given to exaggeration. Keep that in mind when I disclose to you that the man two computers down from me is talking to himself. Sometimes in a whisper. Sometimes in a rather deep and resonant voice. Always followed by a long, breathy sigh. I'm pretty sure he's single.
I will carry on as best I can. As I explained in my last post, I can only pull up photos from Picasa Web, and I am therefore limited in selections that might fit my posts. The above painting has long-since been sold, and I can't remember the title, but it does - if one looks at it in a certain way - appear as so the subject could be pulling her hair in distress. So in that does fit my mood somewhat.
I actually love this pose. Those of you who are truly observant will note that I also have a black and white version of this, though they've both been sold. Since I still have the photo reference, perhaps I should take yet another stab at this moody little piece.
I've been considering posting portions of a book I wrote a few years ago about my adventures as a working artist in Arizona. I would like to publish and sell it on this website as an eBook, but I'm too computer illiterate to do so. Any and all suggestions will be welcome.
Okay...seriously. I can't even concentrate. A librarian (poor soul) is having to explain the complexities of copying and pasting to my neighbor. If I were to type the conversation that has ensued between them...I'm pretty sure you wouldn't believe me. 

So I will end this short post in the hope that soon I will be able to post in the privacy of my home on my own laptop. And...let me know what you think about the eBook idea. Of course, you'll have to explain how to do it. But at least I do know how to copy and paste...

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