Monday, June 16, 2014

Getting Back On Track

As the title of this post implies...I'm trying to get back on track with blogging, as well as painting. Anyone who has ever been in the position of managing an elderly parent will understand the emotional and logistical complications of trying to keep up. Or maybe it's a convenient excuse. Or maybe a little of both. Enough of this topic...

I was contacted a few days ago by one of my favorite collectors (you know who you are), telling me that a gallery in Maine wants me to send them more paintings. I'm trying to think of the name of the gallery. Van something...Van Dyke? Van Winkle? Van Johnson? That's not right. Oh, that's right...Van Ward. They want paintings of lighthouses, etc. from that area. Unfortunately, I only have a few photos from that area.  Anyone out there have any good photos of landscapes, seascapes, lighthouses, etc. from Maine?

As a topic of possible interest, having nothing to do with painting, blogging, or old people in nursing homes. Recently I was a temporary refugee from my home, when a fertilizer storage facility caught fire a couple of short blocks from my house/studio. We were all evacuated and couldn't return until late the next afternoon. Very exciting. Very annoying. But I won't complain, since the facility could have blown up, and I would probably not be writing this right now. I would be vapor, I suppose.

I guess this ends my vacation from painting. At least for a while. Back on track. Maybe. Definitely. Hopefully. (please feel free to comment...)