Friday, July 18, 2014

A Life Well-Lived

I try to write in an entertaining style. Self-deprecating...sometimes snarky. And I think you like it (those who don't enjoy snarkiness have probably long-since stopped reading my posts). 

I don't know how this one will turn out. I'm just going to start writing, and see what happens. It's been difficult at times lately to come up with amusing, anecdotal's hard to be amusing, what with all the funerals. I suppose I'm at that age (no need to disclose that precise number, I don't think). I'm referring to that age whereupon aunts, uncles, parents, and slightly older friends are slipping away.

A couple of months ago, my uncle died. He was 93 (?), so I can't say that it was altogether unexpected, nor can I say that it was a tragedy. In fact, a cousin of mine - while standing at the coffin - said " about a life well-lived". And I looked around and saw scores of grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and countless friends, all of whom he had influenced positively. 

Today I went to the funeral of a friend. I hadn't known him or his awesome wife for a terribly long time. No matter...they are the kind of people to whom you feel an instant connection. You didn't have to know Bill for twenty years to love him. Though I do feel somewhat cheated of those twenty years that came before, to say nothing of the years that might have been. There are still things I want to ask him about (he was a very wise and clever man).

But " about a life well-lived". It leaves me with some melancholy...but it also leaves me inspired. Wouldn't it be great if everyone had such a life. And I know there's a balance of what life gives us to work with, and what we do with that life. And I don't discount luck. Or fate...whatever you want to call it. Some are born with untold assets and others are born with untold challenges, but I think we can all have a life well-lived if we determine to do so.

That was uncharacteristically serious for me, was it not? I don't often try for poignant or insightful. But I suppose I'm thinking of my own life and how well-lived it has been...and will be. I don't know about you, but I'm going to spend a little time this week-end pondering this issue, and how I can aspire to that end. The life well-lived.