Thursday, November 8, 2012


NEW UPDATE: "Almost Paradise" is still at $150 (1 bid)
                            "This Little Piggy" is at $225       (3 bids)
                            "Moore's Store" is at $100            (2 bids)
                            "Pretty in Pink" is at $80              (4 bids, 2 bidders)
If you want to place a bid on any of these, you can send me a comment on this page, email me at, or contact me via Facebook. The auction ends on Thursday at 5:00p.m.

As promised, I'm cleaning out the attic with the first of a series of art auctions. If you would like to bid on any of these pieces, you can email me, call or text me, or (if you're local) come by the studio/gallery. You can also contact me on Facebook and Google+.

The auction will go from today (Nov. 8) to next Thurs., Nov. 15. You can make a bid, or you can "buy it now" for the asking price. For buyers who live within a 50 mile radius of me, I will deliver the paintings. For out-of-town buyers, I will ship the paintings (buyer pays for shipping). Buyers can pay in person by check or cash, by mail by check, or on this website via PayPal.

Here are the paintings up for auction, and a brief description:

"Almost Paradise" (Breakfast at Piscke's)
oil on canvas
minimum bid $ it now $800
For 11 years, I was part of a group of artists who met weekly for breakfast at a quirky little restaurant called "Pischke's Paradise". They still meet for breakfast though, sadly, there is no more "Piscke's". And sadly for me, I can no longer attend...the commute is just a little too much.
"Moore's Store"
oil on canvas
minimum bid $ it now $350
In a similar style to "Almost Paradise", this is a backlit painting of Moore's Store in Ben Wheeler, Texas. The not-so-cleverly-disguised couple is Randy and Sherry Martin, both of whom represent the best of B.W.

"Pretty in Pink"
oil on canvas
minimum bid $ it now $125
No particular story here, except that I like roses.

"This Little Piggy"
oil on canvas
minimum bid $ it now $350
This is a cute little Ben Wheeler pig who participated (whether he wanted to or not) in the Feral Hog Festival a couple of years ago. I believe he was one of several little piggies who were chased by the charming, well-behaved children of B.W.
I hope you'll give me your feedback on this...I hope to have many future auctions, in that I am nothing if not a prolific painter and have very little storage space.