"Sophisticated Lady"
As the title of this post implies...I've had a few challenges of late. I won't go into great detail for those of you who have already heard (to the point of retching) about my woes.
Around the end of May, I fell and broke my right shoulder. Yes...I'm right-handed. I won't say much about the particulars of this calamity, since it involves stupidity on my part. In the midst of this, it was discovered that I had a mass in my lung. Scary.
I'll skip over the long, drawn-out saga that followed and just cut to the chase and let you know that I'm fine. It is a nodule caused by a fungus. A very old fungus it would seem, since there's calcium in it. Everything on me is old.
Even the condensed version is tedious. But at least it's informative. Boring. But informative.
So...challenges. The up side to trials is that it's nice when they're over. I'm back to normal - for the most part. Normal for me, that is. I'm sure you all have your opinions as to the degree to which I am normal.
I have a portrait demo coming up on Sunday. Always a challenge...attempting to do a decent portrait in an hour and a half or two. While an audience watches. Which reminds me. Maybe I should prepare for that.
I have a portrait demo coming up on Sunday. Always a challenge...attempting to do a decent portrait in an hour and a half or two. While an audience watches. Which reminds me. Maybe I should prepare for that.