I have to confess that I have, in fact, been accused of being predictable (mostly by my kids, so I'm not sure if that really counts...they love to keep us grounded in our own mediocrity, don't they?). But I once visited Arizona for the first time and bought a house there. So don't try to tell me that I'm entirely predictable. I am spontaneous on occasion. Some might even say pathelogically spontaneous (my tax guy, for example).
Which brings me to some thoughts. I came across a photo of this painting yesterday. It was experimental for me...first of all, it's in acrylic and not oil. Secondly, it's entirely from my imagination. Sometimes we artists (much like people) can become mired in what's become comfortable...that which we've mastered (or at least as much as we're capable). Between my first attempt this week to do a palette knife painting, and finding this photo (the painting was sold a couple of years ago), I'm reminded that we should never stop experimenting and stepping outside the comfortable boxes we construct around ourselves. Let's toast to unpredictability...