"Grandma's Kitchen"
I am currently without laptop. Laptop-less. As a consequence, I'm writing this post from a public computer in the library with all the other poor computer-less creatures.
And on this the second week of laptoplessness, I am becoming more and more aware of why using a public computer is not the preferred status. Every day there's at least one man (it's always a man) sitting next to me who is making the most deplorable noises. Grunting noises. Repetitious and overwrought exhales...about every 8-10 seconds. Why do some men have to make such a commotion over simply breathing. I want to turn to them and say, "Excuse me, could you just stop breathing for a while?"
Even as I type this, a young mouth-breather just plopped himself down in the chair next to me. Even though there are plenty of other computers available. Am I too sensitive? Maybe this is one of the reasons I'm single.
Ordinarily, I would not have chosen the above painting for this post. But I can only access paintings I have on the Web, so...there it is. I painted this many, many years ago. It is - as the title states - my mom's kitchen window. Anyone who's ever been to my mom's house will immediately grasp that I have done quite a bit of editing. My mom is like a bag lady with a house...just one small step away from hoarder. Nonetheless...I was always intrigued by the light effects on all those colorful bottles.
Oh...the young mouth-breather left. But a lady with very pungent perfume has taken his place. My tolerance level is fast approaching. So flowery. It's like I've plunged my head into a vat of Jasmin petals and orange blossoms. Head starting to hurt. And now another mouth-breather has taken the place of the former...only this one is dressed like a young Mormon missionary. I'd better get out while I can...
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