Redheads are fun to paint. And, yes, I did exaggerate the red somewhat. But that's okay...I have a license to do such things. An artistic license. Oh, it's nothing I take pride in. Anyone can have one. Really. ANYONE.
In fact, one of my pet peeves (that should probably be the name of this blog..."Pet Peeves") is that in my two particular areas of skill - music and art - there really isn't a license. No bar to pass. Anyone can buy a guitar, learn four chords, learn a couple of songs, and say with great conviction, "Yes...I'm a musician". In the same vein, anyone can buy paints, brushes, and canvases, take a few lessons - or not - and say, "I'm an artist". I think it's one of the reasons that people tend to not take artists seriously. And I'm no different, really. Every time I do an art show, there are at least a few people who say, "Oh...my mom is an artist" or words to that effect. And I usually imagine a gray-haired little lady painting bluebonnets very badly.
At the risk of offending a few people, I'll continue on my roll. Not just anyone can practice law. There's standard that must be met...a bar to pass. I'm sure some of you are thinking that the standard for being a lawyer is woefully low, but that's not the point. There are requirements that must be met.
I can't just declare myself a therapist. Nor can I prescribe medicine (if I could, I'd prescribe a few good meds for myself). And I can't arrest anyone. That one really blows. I've met quite a few people I'd like to arrest.
I usually don't know where these posts are going to go. This one went in an unexpected direction. All because of the term "artistic license". Sometimes it's hard to be me.
Without going into too much detail about the model for this study, I will say that he's related to me by marriage, and that he's a vet. I always say that, in regard to finding models, I exploit my family whenever possible. They usually work really cheap. Or cheaply. (For the grammar nazis among you)
I've noticed that while quite a few people read these posts from time to time, very few leave comments. Which is okay. But as always...feel free to make your own observations and comments. I will publish them. Unless I don't like them. Kidding. Mostly.
In fact, one of my pet peeves (that should probably be the name of this blog..."Pet Peeves") is that in my two particular areas of skill - music and art - there really isn't a license. No bar to pass. Anyone can buy a guitar, learn four chords, learn a couple of songs, and say with great conviction, "Yes...I'm a musician". In the same vein, anyone can buy paints, brushes, and canvases, take a few lessons - or not - and say, "I'm an artist". I think it's one of the reasons that people tend to not take artists seriously. And I'm no different, really. Every time I do an art show, there are at least a few people who say, "Oh...my mom is an artist" or words to that effect. And I usually imagine a gray-haired little lady painting bluebonnets very badly.
At the risk of offending a few people, I'll continue on my roll. Not just anyone can practice law. There's standard that must be met...a bar to pass. I'm sure some of you are thinking that the standard for being a lawyer is woefully low, but that's not the point. There are requirements that must be met.
I can't just declare myself a therapist. Nor can I prescribe medicine (if I could, I'd prescribe a few good meds for myself). And I can't arrest anyone. That one really blows. I've met quite a few people I'd like to arrest.
I usually don't know where these posts are going to go. This one went in an unexpected direction. All because of the term "artistic license". Sometimes it's hard to be me.
Without going into too much detail about the model for this study, I will say that he's related to me by marriage, and that he's a vet. I always say that, in regard to finding models, I exploit my family whenever possible. They usually work really cheap. Or cheaply. (For the grammar nazis among you)
I've noticed that while quite a few people read these posts from time to time, very few leave comments. Which is okay. But as always...feel free to make your own observations and comments. I will publish them. Unless I don't like them. Kidding. Mostly.
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