Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year Coming

I've been absent from this blog for a while. Maybe you've noticed. Maybe not. There are quite a few reasons for my absence, the biggest of which is that my laptop has not been working for a while. Thankfully, I'm back on track. I think. I hope.

Some of you are already aware that I don't really believe in New Year's resolutions unless they are easily attainable...such as "I resolved to have more fun"...or "I resolve to sleep more"...that sort of thing. Of course, this is relative to one's own peculiarities. If you don't like to have fun and prefer being wide awake (if you're three, for example), then obviously you would need to adjust accordingly. 

That having been said, I have been giving some thought to possible changes in direction this year...both in my art and in my life. I'm participating in a show at the Panhandle-Plains Western Art Museum in Canyon, Texas. But other than that, I'm wide open.

Part of this mid-life upheaval (okay...I admit that "mid-life" may have actually passed me by, but humor me) is the result of having moved out of my downtown studio/gallery and into an actual house which is big enough for a studio space. So I'm not longer open to the public and consequently, I have more freedom and flexibility. 

I do plan to write more, assuming my laptop doesn't bail on me again. And I hope to publish a book that I wrote a few years back as an e-book, if I can ever figure out how to do that. Feel free to advise.

I'm glad to be back online. I hope that you're glad to have me back online. I would love to have your comments and feedback. By the way, the above painting is available. Contact me for info. Now go out there and have some fun...and get some sleep!

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