Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Shelby January Morning"
oil on canvas board
Lately I feel pulled in many...many directions. Hopefully I'll be back on track with my blogging. I hope you've missed me.
This is a very recent painting that's mostly from my head. Those of you who've done time in Texas understand that it doesn't actually snow here very often. When it does, all the artists are out and about taking hundreds of photos in order to capture that rare event. So I've taken one of my photo references and elaborated to the extent that this barely resembles the reference. But that's okay. It's called "artistic license". It's a license to kill boring reality, that is.
I've never been a huge fan of reality. So let's get out there and create the world of our desiring, dragging others along for the ride. If you paint it, they will come. Apologies to "Field of Dreams".

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