Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Portrait Workshop

Ok...this is not a traditional portrait. True. I would call this a non-traditional figure study. But it's close enough, and I wanted to post something new. Which this is.

I'm having a workshop on Saturday, March 30th in Corsicana at the Senior Center (a great facility, btw). Even though it's sponsored by the Corsicana Art League, it's open to anyone. We will have a live model (always nice). Let me know asap if you're interested in joining us.

As a p.s....I don't know what's up with the glare in the lower left side of this painting...maybe I'll take another photo. As a photographer, I'm quite handicapped. I have no left brain. I'm so right brained, in fact, I'm surprised I don't walk in clockwise circles.


  1. Nancy and I met Mary Friday afternoon. We recommend this fine artist to anyone who appreciates oil painting. She knows her craft without a doubt. Hope to see her again, best regards, Tom & Nancy R.

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed visiting with you both...hope to see you from time to time.

  2. Very lovely . My husband is an oil painter so I know how hard it is to do figures .
