Sunday, January 20, 2013

Revised Hill Country
Okay...sometimes you just have trouble stopping. Tweak. Tweak. Noodle. Noodle. But I think I'm done now. It seemed it needed a little more color and action it is. Unless I look at it again next time I'm in the studio and have other thoughts. I suppose one could write an entire book - or at least a long chapter - on knowing when to stop. And I think that most of what applies to art also applies to life. People who like to stir up trouble, for example. Stop it. Or people who insist on standing two inches from your face. Stop. Just stop.'s probably time for me to stop writing about this...
Tomorrow night is the demo for the Corsicana Art League...looking forward to that. And I'm getting ready to offer my first workshop for the new year, if I can reach an agreement for the right time and space. Contact me if you're interested in workshops. I like to think that my workshops are not only informative (I try to help you problem solve and make breakthroughs), but good camaraderie. And the coffee and donuts are not without significance.
Off to dance a short fandango...

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