Monday, January 28, 2013

"The Meeting"
16X20 oil on canvas
I came across a photo of this over the week-end. I like the romantic feel of it...youth...spring...spooky trees. don't think spooky trees are romantic? I guess we all have our preferences.

I hope to be offering a workshop in February, for those who live close enough to attend. Feel free to contact me if you're not already in my student database, but would like to be notified of upcoming events and workshops. I'm also hoping to do workshops in other cities, so let me know if you have a league or group who would like to host one.

Also...I'm planning to have another online auction soon from this blog, so keep checking in. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Almost finished...

"Aunt Mary Deen"
8X10 oil on canvas
Still somewhat on the topic of "when is it finished?"...I like a loose, painterly look. It's what I strive for. But I still like to tweak...or noodle, as it were. I've been working on this little painting for the last couple of days (off and on...also working on other things). So I'm at the point where I have to decide whether or not to refine it more or leave it in its impressionistic stage. Maybe a few more little tweaks...keep you posted. But for now...I think there's a bowl of ice cream with my name on it...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Revised Hill Country
Okay...sometimes you just have trouble stopping. Tweak. Tweak. Noodle. Noodle. But I think I'm done now. It seemed it needed a little more color and action it is. Unless I look at it again next time I'm in the studio and have other thoughts. I suppose one could write an entire book - or at least a long chapter - on knowing when to stop. And I think that most of what applies to art also applies to life. People who like to stir up trouble, for example. Stop it. Or people who insist on standing two inches from your face. Stop. Just stop.'s probably time for me to stop writing about this...
Tomorrow night is the demo for the Corsicana Art League...looking forward to that. And I'm getting ready to offer my first workshop for the new year, if I can reach an agreement for the right time and space. Contact me if you're interested in workshops. I like to think that my workshops are not only informative (I try to help you problem solve and make breakthroughs), but good camaraderie. And the coffee and donuts are not without significance.
Off to dance a short fandango...

Friday, January 18, 2013

gouache on watercolor paper
Wow...this brings back memories. I was actually still married when I did this painting! It was of a huge Wisteria vine on my back porch when I lived in Sugar Land. I went through an extensive gouache phase back then. I've been contemplating trying it again...though I no longer have any of the paints left, and I am pathologically frugal. But maybe...maybe worth the investment?
Last night I did a demo for the Palette of Roses Art League...what a great group. Very attentive and open. I hope to do a workshop with them in the near future. Monday, I will do a demo for the Corsicana Art League...looking forward. And moving foot in front of the other. With paintbrush in hand.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I have to confess that I have, in fact, been accused of being predictable (mostly by my kids, so I'm not sure if that really counts...they love to keep us grounded in our own mediocrity, don't they?). But I once visited Arizona for the first time and bought a house there. So don't try to tell me that I'm entirely predictable. I am spontaneous on occasion. Some might even say pathelogically spontaneous (my tax guy, for example).
Which brings me to some thoughts. I came across a photo of this painting yesterday. It was experimental for me...first of all, it's in acrylic and not oil. Secondly, it's entirely from my imagination. Sometimes we artists (much like people) can become mired in what's become comfortable...that which we've mastered (or at least as much as we're capable). Between my first attempt this week to do a palette knife painting, and finding this photo (the painting was sold a couple of years ago), I'm reminded that we should never stop experimenting and stepping outside the comfortable boxes we construct around ourselves. Let's toast to unpredictability...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Hill Country Morning"
9X12 oil on canvas board
Most of you know that I am (a) a prolific painter (hard to keep track) and (b) I like to experiment. This was my first attempt at a landscape done almost entirely with a palette knife. I discovered that I love painting with a palette knife. Who knew? The photo doesn't actually do it justice...there's a lot of texture in there. Maybe someone can give me a short tutorial on getting better photos of's an ongoing frustration.

Monday, January 14, 2013

"Lazy Days"
9X12 oil on canvas

A few thoughts about the New Year…

As I’ve written before, I have somewhat unorthodox views on New Year’s resolutions (I know…there’s a shocker). I only believe in making resolutions that are highly attainable, such as resolving to eat more ice cream. And the last time I wrote about this, I stated that I would resolve not only to eat more ice cream but to dance more…to dance a fandango with great abandon, though I don’t really know what a fandango is or what it entails. One hopes it does not involve any poles.

But I’m resolving to do a few things differently this year, including some changes to my blog. For the most part, I will be writing shorter posts, but with more frequency. My first online auction went well and was great fun, so I’ll probably have more.

You will notice that I now have a PayPal on this blog. This can be used not only for purchasing work, but also to pay for deposits on workshops.

About workshops…I’m hoping to do more out-of-town workshops, so please contact me if you would like to have me do a workshop for your art league, or if you would like to get together a group of your own choosing. I’m also offering private lessons for those of you who have very busy schedules, or if you think you want more intense one-on-one. I can offer a private class for one or two people, and the cost will be $100 (per person, in the case of 2 people) for a 2 to 3 hour session…in my private studio.

And I’d like to explain a little more about my CafePress store. I hope that you’ll check it out ( But in addition to what you see on the page, I can custom make any item that CafePress offers (they offer hundreds of items in addition to the ones on my CafePress page). I can also custom design items with any painting of mine…as long as I have a digital photo of it. For example, if you have a favorite painting that you would like as a mouse pad, you can just contact me, and I’ll set it up.

Wow…I’m tired just reading this. I probably should go have a bowl of ice cream in preparation for the fandango that will shortly ensue.