Wednesday, December 5, 2012




I suspect that most artists would relate to my state of mind this week. I am uninspired to paint. Yes, it happens. But I must persist in spite of that inconvenient truth (apologies to Al Gore, though I doubt very much that he will ever read this).

So artists/writers and other such creative types are supposed to have muses…right? I suppose it’s not to be taken literally, but I get it. As artists (whether painters, musicians, writers, or whatever), we have creative impulses that are not science-based, but more…ethereal. So we’ve created an entity that embodies that factless notion. The muse.

The problem for me is that my “muse” is inconsistent. I call her Aunt Clara. No doubt you remember Aunt Clara from “Bewitched”...Samantha’s aging aunt with the colossal memory problems, who sporadically dropped in through the chimney, and stayed just long enough to create chaos. BUT…she had inspired moments. As I recall, she once caused the blackout of the entire eastern seaboard. That’s awesome. And didn’t she once turn the Tates’ kid into twins? Hilarious (Larry Tate...what a jackass). But mostly she just screwed things up.
So that’s the inconvenient truth of my artistic life. I’ll have to press on without Aunt Clara, and hope that she shows her ash-covered chimney-face as the week progresses. And who knows? Maybe I don’t really need her after all. That’s ridiculous. Of course I need her. We all need inspiration…

But maybe the inspiration comes with nitty-gritty work. First comes work…then the muse. After all, the muse can’t do much with an artist who has no skills. So for all my fellow artists out there…just keep putting the brush to the canvas. And assume that the muse will show. At some point. Hopefully without a blackout of the eastern seaboard...



  1. So true! Gotta find your muse. I don't paint as much as I want to... or hardly at all, really, and maybe this won't work for you, but for me, I am often most inspired to paint when I'm driving through a new, beautiful part of Texas... or when I'm watching certain films. There are still specific frames of films that I want to paint. For me, they're in films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ever After, Stranger Than Fiction... etc. Some of them I want to paint as they are, some of them give me an idea or a place to start which I want to elaborate on or add color to. Just thought I'd share what often gets my creativity pumping and hopefully help your Aunt Clara show up! Go! Get inspired and have fun doing it!

  2. I didn't know you painted! and Jordan both, huh? Good to know...

  3. Mary... you really MUST write a novel. You are not only a brilliant artist but also a brilliant writer! DO IT! Detha

  4. Thank you, lovely Madame Detha...I'm working on it. In fact, I'm gonna offer my one book (the one that you're in!) on this blog soon as an ebook. I just have to figure out how to do it:-). Then I'll start on a new book.
