"Better Days"
I confess that I don't actually know what the title of this piece is. Yes...I painted it. But it's in a gallery in Maine, and I'm sure the owner has thought of a much more romantic title to bestow upon it. But I'll give myself a little license (artistic, that is), as the painter of said piece, to confer upon it a title that fits my topic and mood for the day.
It could be a sunset. It could be a sunrise. "Better Days" could imply the hope for an end to a ragged patch, with the prospect of better days to come. Or...as in a sunrise, it could convey that "Better Days" are already in progress, with the expectation of a glorious day. I'm not altogether sure which of these scenarios actually applies to my current disposition. It's probably a little of both.
Things are going pretty well for me in regard to my art. I've had a good month...with (hopefully) the beginnings of a good working relationship with a new gallery. Sunrise, expecting more good things to come. But...
There's always a but. Maybe some people have no buts. No...I don't mean butts, though that is also true. Some people have no butts. But I am not one of them. In either connotation. I suppose that a lot of my current buts are age-related. My remaining parent is, presumably, near the end of her life. A few months? A year? Two years? And it's not a quality life. Sunset. Sunset with remnants of battered and broken fences, but with the hope of better things to come. Heaven is within grasp.
But then, I guess that's just how life is for most of us. There's usually a but or two. I just got a promotion with a big raise!!! But my laptop died. So I suppose if we tap into our inner-Pollyannas, we can just be happy we got a raise...so that we can make a down payment on a new, fancier laptop. Apply example accordingly.
And both views of "Better Days", the painting, or "Better Days", the state of mind, impose a certain hope. Both sunrises and sunsets are beautiful and hopeful. What a gorgeous sunset...it's almost time for Shark Tank! Or What a nice sunrise...time for a nice cup of coffee. I think I'll get dressed and go over to Coffee Love and see who's there.
As for people with no butts...I really don't know what to say to you.