Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Figure Workshop

I still have spaces for the figure workshop next week, for those of you who live in Texas. Hopefully we'll have a live model both days. This painting is an example of how I approach a figure, rather than a traditional portrait. Notice that there's very little detail in the face, so that it doesn't look like a portrait of a particular person, but rather it captures a certain attitude and mood. This is what we're striving for in painting. Interpretation. Impression. Mood.

Pertinent information:

2-day Figure Workshop
Monday & Tuesday, March 4 & 5 from 10-4 (break for lunch at the Railway Cafe - awesome)

$75 per day...$50 deposit to hold a spot (you can use your credit or debit card on the PayPal on this site), and there will be a small model fee.

Classes are at the Coop Gallery at 217 N. Palestine, Athens, TX
Please feel free to contact me throught this site, or through Facebook or Google+

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Figure Workshop

Figures are difficult. In order for a figurative piece to really work (in my opinion), you have to relinquish some control over the nitpicky details...otherwise it's a portrait. At least this is the way that I make the distinction in my own work. You may have a different point of view. But when I think of a figurative work, I like to think of an impression that captures a particular mood, so that it's not a portrait of Jane (or Joe...or whoever), but more of an emotional response to Jane's mood.

But as always, you can't render that emotional response purely by willing it to be. Like it or not...you have to have the tools to make it happen. And you have to be willing to go through quite a few bad paintings in order to eventually get to that good one.

I will be offering a figure workshop on Monday and Tuesday, March 4th and 5th, at the coop in Athens. The cost is $75 per day (I very much encourage you to take both days, but if that's not possible, you can take one day only). You will be asked to make a deposit of $50 to hold a place for you. We'll work from 10 - 4, with a break for lunch at the Railway Cafe. You'll work hard and learn a lot, but never at the expense of a good time.

FYI...I've also been asked about private lessons. I'm now offering private lessons for $100 for an afternoon session. Let me know if you're interested in more info about this.

You can contact me by email, through this site, through Facebook or Google+, or by phone. Hope to see some of you there!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Senorita J"
24X30 oil on canvas
I'm really looking at some of my older pieces lately...while continuing to paint new ones. This one is from about 8 years ago. It's interesting how we evolve as artists. My style has changed quite a bit since I painted this, but it still looks like my work. I think I just get progressively looser all the time...at least in regard to art. In life...not so much. At least that's what my kids tell me.
I'm getting ready to offer a portrait/figure workshop at the end of February...let me know if you want details.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

36X48 oil on canvas
up for auction soon
Here's another older painting. I have a lot of mostly happy memories of the time in which I was working on this piece. I painted this at the "Celebration of Fine Art" in 2000...the first year I did the show. It is of the lovely Julia Chacon who is an awesome flamenco dancer. I'll just say that I received a lot of advice while I was painting this (mostly from male artists, but I digress...). Although this was out of my comfort zone at the time, as far as color palette, size, etc., it represents a pivotal point at which I learned to take unsolicited advice with a grain of salt (or less). I started to figure out that the other advice-giving artists were giving me conflicting advice.
Okay...I've decided to share this one story, but not the name of the artist. One of the (male) artists who was giving me advice was just never satisfied with this piece. He would walk up and say, "I don't know...it's almost there, but there's just something not quite right. I don't know...maybe you should use the complimentary color on the shawl (in reference to the fan and scarf)." To which I truthfully said, "It is the complimentary color." He walked away trying to figure out what further advice he could give me in order to improve upon this obviously substandard work.
The next year, I was at the Celebration again and the same (male...did I say that before already?) artist dropped by my studio space for a chat. Apparently he had no recollection of this painting from the year before, because he said, "Now that's a kick-ass painting". Hmmm...okay...whatever.
This is a large painting in need of a good home. It would also be great in an office or restaurant (well...maybe not a Chinese restaurant...but you get my drift). Feel free to contact me if you're interested in putting an early bid in on this piece...and feel free to forward. I feel inspired now...I think I'll put on some flamenco music and do my fandango dance...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Grandma's Kitchen"
16X20 oil on canvas
This is an older piece and is, in fact, my mom's kitchen window (edited somewhat...as anyone who knows my mom will understand). From time to time, I go through a backlit phase, in which I want to paint anything and everything with backlighting. Don't ask me why. I would have to make something up, because I don't know why. I guess its the muse (Aunt Clara). I'm considering putting this one up for auction soon...let me know if you're interested, or if you want to make an offer.