No...I'm not referring to a person. Though I know a few people who are, in fact, both short and sweet. In this case, I'm referring to this post. I'm promising myself to post regularly...or at least semi-regularly.
Why short and sweet? First of all...I'm in McDonald's. On the one hand, they do offer free wi-fi and senior coffee (with two creams) for 53 cents. On the bad side, they have no outlets. Anywhere. Consequently, I'm operating on battery only. And I know how this goes. I type an entire blog...perhaps it's awesome. Let's say it's awesomely awesome (dream with me). I get to the end, I'm feeling proud of myself for writing such an awesomely awesome blog, and the battery goes "nighty night".
Also...I don't have a lot of time. And that's a good thing. I'm planning lots of new things. I have a workshop planned for November, and I'm also still planning to start a series of auctions of my older work, the massing of which is the down side to being a prolific painter, to say nothing of the fact that I've been painting for a very long time (translate "I'm old").
This afternoon I'm meeting with someone who is going to help me set up PayPal on this blog. Thereafter you will be hearing about the auctions.
As a final P.S., many of you know that I've written a book about my life in AZ as a working artist. It will soon be available on this site (fingers crossed) as an ebook. More about that next post...
I've had enough McDonald's for one day. I can already feel my brain numbing. Next time I'll post from Coffee Love, hopefully with a fully functioning brain...or at least I can aspire to full function. Fully functioning? Full functionality? Can you feel the numbing? Your welcome. No...fading fast..."YOU'RE welcome".